Pheasant Hunts

Nick Mundt with his biggest SD whitetail that will air this coming season on Michael Waddell's Bone Collector TV Show on the Outdoor Channel.
Micah with his 4th 170+ inch Warne Ranch Whitetail, 4th year in a row!
Micah with his 4th 170+ inch Warne Ranch Whitetail, 4th year in a row!
Micah with his 4th 170+ inch Warne Ranch Whitetail, 4th year in a row!
Micah with his 4th 170+ inch Warne Ranch Whitetail, 4th year in a row!
Nick Mundt after his South Dakota Safari that will air on Michael Waddell's Bone Collector television show.

Ringneck pheasants have made South Dakota famous over the last 67 years since the first season was introduced, since then it is still one of the state's greatest social and family traditions. Hunting them is done in the traditional style alternating walkers and blockers behind well-seasoned gun dogs, both shooters having excellent opportunities at fast flying roosters. Habitat is a mixture of 2,400 acres of chest high prairie grasses and alfalfa, blended with endless food plots of milo, millet, corn and sunflowers. Throughout five generations, shelterbelts of Russian Olive, cedar, juniper, cottonwood, and plum trees have also been planted and provide the ideal winter habitat and protection for all kinds of wildlife.

You can expect to see hundreds if not thousands of wild pheasants everyday during your hunt. Sharp-tail grouse, Hungarian Partridge and the greater prairie chicken also inhabit these same areas and make great bonus birds.

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